Order Cancellation:
Orders can be canceled within 24 hours of purchase. Contact our customer service team at support@purplelifesciences.com to request a cancellation.
Refund Process:
Refunds for canceled orders will be processed within 7 business days. The exact time may vary based on your payment provider's policies.
Product Return:
We do not accept returns. All sales are final. If you receive a damaged or defective product, please contact our customer service team within [X] days of receiving the item. We will provide instructions for returning the damaged or defective product and issue a refund or replacement.
Refund Eligibility:
Refunds will only be issued for canceled orders or damaged/defective products. Shipping costs are non-refundable.
Damaged or Defective Items:
If you receive a damaged or defective product, please contact our customer service team within 1-2 days of receiving the item. We will provide instructions for returning the damaged or defective product and issue a refund or replacement.
Contact Information:
For any inquiries regarding cancellations, returns, or refunds, please contact our customer service team at support@purplelifesciences.com
These Terms & Conditions and the Cancellation Policy are subject to change without notice. Please review them periodically for any updates. Last updated November 2024.